Crying in Brazil

Crying in Brazil

I’m sitting here in Bom Dispacho, Brazil, crying as I think of what an awesome God we serve.

Just last night hundreds were saved, many were healed and set free from demonic bondages. The harvest truly is white and ready. Everywhere I go while here in Brazil, we are praying for people on the streets and in the marketplaces. They are being instantly healed and accepting Christ right on the spot. There is such a hunger not only for the Word of God, but also for the supernatural – especially to see the miracle power of God.

They don’t have a government system that can supply them with their provision or their healthcare. They either suffer or wait till a special speaker comes and maybe they will be healed.  I am trying to teach them that all believers have the same power in them that they see working through me. It is part of our benefits as believers and our responsibility to set the captive free.  God did some awesome things in the crusade meeting that took place last night. We will continue these crusades for the next two nights. I covet your prayers.

I’m praying the mass prayer of healing and seeing so many healed and delivered from demonic pain and torment. There are hundreds getting their hearts’ right with the Lord. They are standing in line to give testimonies of being healed following the meetings. Those that aren’t receiving healing through the mass prayers are receiving individual prayer as well.  God healed every person in the prayer line last night.  How awesome! I am not talking little stuff being healed, but we are seeing some serious situations of disease, sickness, and torment totally healed by the power of God.

We were on the radio a couple of days ago and I announced the crusade meetings. I shared that if they couldn’t get the people that they knew needed touched by the Lord to come to the crusades to bring their pictures and I would pray for them. The people brought many pictures with them along with articles of clothing to be prayed over with the prayer of faith. I have prayed healing prayers over the radio and we are getting reports of healings all over the area. They are bringing people to the house where I am staying during the day for prayer.  Two doctors in the area have called and asked us to come to their houses to pray for them.  The response has been overwhelming. People are hungry here in Brazil for the things of God.

What the Lord has done is amazing to me.  I was once a young man standing on a street corner, who had dropped out of high school, selling joints of marijuana for fifty cents. I was hoping to sell enough to pay for my drugs and maybe enough left over to buy me some food.

I have been forgiven. I am not headed to hell. I am celebrating 29 years drug free. Now I am preaching to thousands. Who but God could take my mess and make it my message! I am thanking God today for my mother’s prayers and the power of Jesus. I have been taken from darkness and become one of his lights, an ambassador, and one of His hands of healing in this world.  I am so humbled to just be used by the Lord. I write you today with tears still flowing, praying in the Spirit, waiting with great expectation for tonight’s meeting. I know hell-bound souls shall escape the flames of torment and they shall receive the spirit of adoption. Listen in the spirit and you will hear the cry… “Abba Father”.

Please join us and become a Centurion Partner where monthly you can help support these powerful life changing meetings all over the world. I can only do this with your help.

Expecting everyday miracles …Everyday

Dr. Brian Adams

1 Comment
  • Jocelyne Arnold
    Posted at 15:47h, 04 May Reply

    Hallelujah to God’s unconditional love I’m humbled by God’s Spirit, grace, power and not forgetting His timing…His always on time and I know You don’t want glory but I praise God for You Pastor.
    WILL ASSIST YOU GLADLY in my capacity for God’s glory.
    Please sent the necessary details.

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