01 Dec A BAM December
We are excited about December here at Brian Adams Ministries. I fly out tomorrow for Nicaragua for a week. I will come home only to leave again to head out to the Navajo Indian Reservation where we support two pastor’s and their families on the reservation on a monthly basis. The picture you see above is from last year. We were able to purchase a turkey for everyone in their church to have a Christmas dinner. We purchased gas and wood pellets for heat in their home. These two families have taken in over 10 children which have been abandoned by alcoholic and drug addicted parents. They have been adopted and are in church serving the Lord. We always try to help these pastors get gifts for the children.
Our account is low at this time of year. Will you help us to be a blessing once again this year?
For your convenience, we provide several different ways you can give.
- BY CHECK Make your checks payable to:
Brian Adams Ministries, PO Box 188, Jackson, OH 45640 - VIA OUR WEBSITE Visit www.brianadamsministries.com and click DONATE.
Thank you in advance for your prayers and support. May God empower you to be a blessing today.
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