07 Apr Resurrection Sunday in Brazil
Greetings! What a glorious Resurrection Sunday! I can’t even begin to tell you all the wonderful things that took place in the name of Jesus! Currently, I’ve left Belo Horizonte, Brazil, and now I’m at Bom Dispacho, Brazil. I was so overwhelmed at both services on Easter. Every night I prayed until about 1:30 am. The people’s hunger here is awesome. We probably saw at least 1000 souls saved over all the meetings. I would always do the mass prayer and then have people come up and give their testimonies. Here are a few:
One man no longer has to wear his hearing aids; he hears perfect! So many, who used to have arthritis, and many different pains, for 20 or 30 years were healed. Bad vision was healed – as well as neck pain. Frozen shoulders are now working. One woman had suffered 20 years of pain because of a tumor on her hip and one on her back. I broke witchcraft off a woman in the name of Jesus, and the spirit threw her down on the floor and she rolled around until it left. She got up totally healed; no pain, no tumors! Jesus is Lord!
One man had 8 bolts in the front of his neck and 10 in the back of his neck from a wreck/ surgery. He had broken his neck and there were also two plates on the side of his neck. He was always in pain and couldn’t turn his head either way or look down. In the mass prayer, he felt heat come upon him in his neck and all the pain left. He can now use his neck as if there is no metal at all! He can no longer feel any metal.
In the prayer line, one woman had a tumor in her beast the size of an egg. I cursed it and commanded it to leave, and it obeyed the name of Jesus! She is now tumor free! One child, being held by her mother, had a hernia around the belly button and it was causing the baby pain. They were going to do surgery. I pressed against it and prayed and it left in seconds! Many other tumors also left. There was a 15 year old girl who had lost her hearing at three years old and was totally deaf. She received her hearing in seconds! There was a woman who, for 55 years, had been 75% deaf in her left ear and 100 % deaf in her right ear; she had no hole in her right ear in order to hear. After prayer, in a matter of seconds, she was hearing in both ears. Another woman who was 50% deaf, no longer needs her hearing aids.
There was a couple of hours of just praying for people with witchcraft and voodoo curses. Curses were broken, demons were expelled, and tumors were instantly dissolving. Depression, oppression , and pains all leaving – demonstrating Jesus’ superior power. One woman
in line had her blind eye opened. One man at lunch had his blind eye opened.
Here it was Easter, with sins being removed, pains leaving, and diseases being healed! Truly Jesus is Alive….To Him be all the Glory
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