Baby Leaps

Baby Leaps

I was preaching in a church with an interpreter tonight. It was a church of people from Congo, Africa. Their music was totally African with a rhythmic beat. I really enjoyed it. I preached a message on the power of forgiveness. This is a Kingdom message that will preach anywhere around the world. That’s right the devil has no new tricks. The first lady came up for prayer had a ear that was 70 % deaf and God opened it. her shoulder was frozen and wouldn’t work and it was instantly healed.Many pains in peoples body instantly left and you would see them smile with relief giving thanks to God. One lady came up and she was 7 months pregnant. She had not felt the baby move or kick for three weeks. She was very concerned. She had no money and could not go to the doctor. The very second I laid my hands on her belly the baby leaped and started kicking. She started crying and thanking the Lord. It reminded me of the bible story where Mary visited Elizabeth and the baby leaped. God is awesome and there is nothing impossible for Him. Many things happened, there were many miracles. I give God praise!!

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