15 Feb She Came Believing
Just like the women with an issue of blood, this women above in the picture came to the meeting believing that when she arrived she would be healed. Sometimes it...
Just like the women with an issue of blood, this women above in the picture came to the meeting believing that when she arrived she would be healed. Sometimes it...
Even the hot and humid temperatures haven't been able to dampen my spirits as ministry opportunities have presented themselves to win the lost and to see the sick and lame...
There were many hindrances to this trip to Africa. Delayed flights, missed flights and unexpected overnight stays. Then I arrived at my first meeting, I was greeted with much respect,...
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I was on my way to Africa and was sitting in the airport in Amsterdam, Netherlands.I looked up from a book I was reading and saw an airport employee pushing...
From the inside of an empty bottle, I can hear the cry of hunger and poverty. As I go on these short term mission trips, I spend so much time...
I am sitting here, going through pictures of the crowded altars, the tears stained faces, the people who have been saved, healed, and filled…I thank God for revealing my purpose,...