Deaf and Mute Boy Healed in Costa Rica

Deaf and Mute Boy Healed in Costa Rica

I was recently in Pavas, Costa Rica. I went with Schambach Ministries. They did four nights of crusades with Donna Schambach and Tiffany Shuttleworth preaching. It was awesome. Thousands were saved. It was such a blessing to have been with their ministries and help by serving in the altar calls. Meeting new people is one of the things I like most about traveling. You see, wherever you go there is kingdom family and friends.

Every night was wonderful. I love the atmosphere of a crusade. The last night was really special. “The power of the Lord was present to heal.” Two women raised up out of wheelchairs and walked. Many were healed. Multiple deaf ears were opened and bad vision was healed. The picture above is of a 10 year old boy that his father brought up for prayer. He was born deaf and mute. When I prayed for him, the deaf and dumb spirit threw him down as if he was having a seizure. I commanded the spirit to leave and he got up. He came and took my hand and placed it in his ears. After prayer was finished he could hear normal and spoke his first words, “papa”. What beautiful words for a father to hear who had never heard his son speak.

The gospel truly is the GOOD NEWS.

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