We mustn’t limit God working through us to minister to others only. He will minister to “us” through us. I constantly use my authority received from Christ to resist satan in my mind and body. I receive words of wisdom and knowledge from God about situations that deal with me personally and my family. I also have always laid hands on myself for healing and peace.
I’ve learned that I am the Temple of the Holy Ghost and that He dwells inside me bringing life to my body and soul. We must begin to acknowledge His presence is there not only for others, but for us first.
Romans tells us that the same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead dwells inside us. We must allow His living water, healing water, wisdom and direction to lead us and set us free. He directs our steps, He orders and directs our steps. Thats right, He will speak through us to us and guide us.
I was driving back from Cincinnati early one Sunday morning. I was tired and had to preach in Jackson, Ohio, that morning. I was trying to pray in tongues loudly to stay awake and to build myself up before service. I noticed my tongue sounded like it was a corporate tongue which needed interpreted instead of my personal tongue. I continued in faith ready to see what God was doing.
All of a sudden God’s Spirit filled the car and He spoke through me to me!! It was an interpretation of the tongue I had prayed. He said,” You have been very busy and doing many things. I am going to cancel some things and direct you more towards Israel and China. You will be going to Mid Eastern countries and Asian. I immediately thought I have no contacts in Israel and/or China.
I preached that Sunday morning and was contacted that afternoon by a family of Messianic Jews in Nazareth. They wanted me to come and do a miracle healing service. Not even eight hours from the time God spoke. I was blown away. WOW!! About four days later I was contacted by a Chinese man asking to come and teach healing to their prayer group. He said I had prayed for a cousin who had a bad back for 18 years and she was healed.
I started ministering to his prayer group and then a Chinese church in Columbus ,Ohio. I’m now leaving September 2 for a two week trip of ministry in China. Some are underground churches and some are not. I’ve not been to main land China. I’m excited to go and meet new people. I’m excited to know that God is truly talking to me and truly directing my steps.
Please allow His Spirit to move and have His way in you. I will be doing blogs and posts while I’m there. When I return home on the 18th, I will then be going to Africa for one month and two days. A special thanks to all of my Centurion partners and friends of Brian Adams Ministries. I couldn’t do what I do without your financial and prayerful support.
Expecting everyday Miracles…… Everyday for you,
Dr. Brian Adams
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