First days in Capetown

First days in Capetown

We are rested and ready to go. We started by going and meeting new Pastors at churches. All the Pastors want us to preach at their church. The only problem is they all want it on the same day. This country is still as I remember, hungry for the things of God. We are getting the team scheduled to preach at places also. We went to an orphanage, a drug rehab place, and a kitchen which feeds 120,000 people a month hot meals. Awesome, these pastor are doing wonderful things here for their people. Our quarters are beautiful and in the mountains. The coast is beautiful and inviting. The weather is cold unexpectedly, must be global
We went to Pastor Justices’s church where Capetown and Congoneese people have merged a church together. Light skinned coloreds and dark skinned northern Africans. They have already decided Im a crazy american preacher. We are making friends so fast. The team is doing awesome, I’m really proud of them. Tomorrow we preach in our first service get ready for pictures and reports.

Love from” The dark Continent”

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