Forgiveness Brings Healing

Forgiveness Brings Healing

I will never forget as I was praying while finishing a long fast and the Lord spoke to me these words, “Faith moves me, But Forgiveness releases My Power.” It seems as if that has been so long ago. We have seen so many healed of tormenting pains and emotions. I truthfully can’t count the number of people this revelation has helped. Many people don’t think they need this message. They are so wrong. Even if you don’t harbor wrongs and bitterness, then you will definitely run into people all over the world who are presently being tormented and they need someone like you to share this truth and help set them free.

If you are alive and a doer, then know this, doers make mistakes. When we make mistakes we need to forgive ourselves and others immediately. Allow God to empower you and help you to forgive. Become a window of heaven and release His forgiving healing power.

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