

I have returned to Africa and entered into the sanctuary of a church where I have seen the most incredible miracles in my life. The atmosphere was electrified, the sanctuary packed, the worship was phenomenal. As I looked over the crowd, I saw the faces of people I remembered who once were deaf, had a blind eye, crippled on canes, or even in wheel chairs. However, these are ancient reports now because they had encountered the miracle working God in our previous services there. His word had been preached and then dramatically displayed by the Power of the First Century Church. Yes that’s right, He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is the “Great I Am’, not the “Great I Was”.  If your doctrine is that He no longer does miracles, I feel so sorry for you. You truly have been lied to. Simply repent and accept the truth. God is eternal and He doesn’t change.Faith had made these saints believe and their faith has made them whole.

I could tell it was going to be another night of souls saved and bodies healed just entering the room. I started preaching and God’s presence filled the room. Tears could be seen in the eyes of the crowd as God by His Spirit began His transforming, convicting moving among His people. The altars could not hold the people as the altar call was made. They filled the aisles clear to the back of the room. As they repented and ask for forgiveness, demons began to scream out of people and even throw some down on the floors. I love the atmosphere of His Kingdom…lives being forgiven and delivered.

We transitioned to the prayer line and the first lady was in such pain from a slipped disc in her back that  she could barely move. I had her proclaim God’s goodness and command her own back to be healed and she began to scream, “the pain is leaving”.  She was instantly healed and no one touched her but the Master.

The next lady was in a wheel chair tormented with such pain she was bed ridden at home for years.  She very rarely left her home. I prayed for her and told her to move her legs. She told me “No. I’m not going to move my legs. I’m going to walk”.  She stood up and walked a few feet and then started running. The crowd went wild. Then she pushed me in the wheel chair. The same one which had held her captive for so long. God is so good!  For the next few hours we experienced blind eyes opening, deaf ears could hear and growths miraculously disappeared. The miracles are too many to mention in this blog. Only know that God is still doing it, and DOING IT BIG.

Expecting everyday miracles…everyday for you,

Dr. Brian

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