He had Compassion on the Lost

He had Compassion on the Lost

I remember reading where Christ would have compassion on the people as He overlooked the crowds. I have been praying that the Lord would give me love for Him, myself and others. I really want to have the ability to love the unloved and the strangers. Be careful what you pray for. I have experienced a new emotion of His compassion as I stand before the crowds to minister. I can look into the eyes of strangers and feel a bond and a love I’ve never known. To ask to love for some is taking a risk. Please go for it. I have never felt such a wonderful explosion of the Spirit of God before. When He is allowed to love through us, His amazing grace is released and souls are saved and bodies healed. The demons will shriek out of people as Gods mercy and love drives them from oppressing mankind. I want the world to experience the love of God like never before. It is written that the goodness of God will draw sinners to repentance. Remember that His grace is the power to get free from sin, not continue in sin. I have began to experience HIs power through my hands like never before. I have learned that Love must first be in our hearts before power can be in our hands.

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