More than a Doctrine

More than a Doctrine


Have you ever been in a position as a parent and had to watch one of your children or grandchildren go through something that broke your heart?  Have you ever been in the place where your love for them was so strong that you found yourself saying, “I would take your place and go through it myself if I could so you wouldn’t have to”.  It can be such a deep place of love and compassion that words can’t even begin to describe.  I found myself in that place recently.  As I was meditating on a certain situation recently I found myself with those same thoughts. I would take their place to relieve the pain if I could.

In that moment I began to get upset with myself for letting the situation get to me.  I should have more faith and not let things get my emotions so stirred up. Then the Lord began to minister to me.  He so gently showed me that I wasn’t really upset, but that I was experiencing a broken heart moment.  I felt so much love in this situation that I wanted to “fix it” and the only way I could fix it was to “take their place.”

Then He dropped the truth in my Spirit.  “That’s the way I feel about you, Karen. My Son took your place.” In a fleeting moment, the meaning of Christ becoming my substitution had so much more meaning than ever before.

The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

When Jesus was on the cross, God treated Him as if He had committed every sin ever committed by mankind, and that included me. Did you catch that? God treated Him as if He committed, personally, every sin ever committed by all of us. Jesus never sinned Himself but He took our place and became sin so we could be free. He became our substitution.

This is how much He loves you today.  So much that His heart was broken and so full of compassion that He said, “I’ll take your place.”

Let it sink into your spirit today.  He took your place. It’s more than a doctrine.  It’s more than mere words.  It’s the power of His love.

Expecting Everyday Miracles…Everyday

Karen Adams

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