Opposition Is Real but GOD…

Opposition Is Real but GOD…



Today I return to the blessed land that I live in, The United States of America.  While I know we have our share of problems here too, it is always a beautiful feeling when I know that those plane wheels are on the ground once again in the land that I love. American is still the greatest country in the world.

From the moment this trip to South Africa started, I knew it was going to be different. South Africa has been closed to travelers for over two years. The Pandemic had closed businesses, churches, caused loss of jobs, lives etc. People had been on lock down and kept in homes for too long.

Immediately upon arrival in Johannesburg when my Pastor friend picked me up he communicated interesting news. He informed me that they as a church had been advertising my meetings on social media. Someone from the Church of Satan from Cape Town posted on my advertisement that my meetings would be a failure and of no success. They had been and would be cursing me and my meetings. I was so excited cause even the devil knew I was in town. I had my friend agree with me and we prayed for this individual and the satanic church for their souls to be freed from darkness and that they too would be saved. Of course, we know that the devil is a liar and all of our efforts have been extremely successful. To God always be the Glory. There has been so many healings, minds and bodies. The altars have been full in every service.  I’ve had to turn down so many meetings because I didn’t not any Sundays and days left while here to add any other meetings. Literally thousands have answered the altar calls and hundreds have been healed. So many miraculous things have happened, “In Spite of Me“. Truly God has been in this place.

Upon arriving at the airport in Capetown the young lady assisting me with the rental of my vehicle was carrying a small staff consisting of two sticks tied together. I jokingly asked her if she was carrying it to protect herself in case I mugged her in the parking lot. She smiled and said no,” I’m training to be a “traditional healer”(Witch).

I just looked up to heaven and smiled. I quickly informed her that I was a healer also. I told her that I truly had the greatest source to pull from for power His name is “Jesus”. I informed her that her source was pitiful and powerless and had been defeated by my God. Within minutes she repented and chose to accept Christ. Did I mention that ,”I love my job”. 

She went on to share with me that she had grown up in a Christian home. They only taught Jesus as ,”The Great I Was”, not “The Great I Am”

Much of the church today only gives history stories and denies that His Power is for today. You should receive Power when you receive the Holy Spirit. I have experience much warfare this trip, but just like Moses experience. Gods power has swallowed up the devil’s lesser power. I consider it a honor to serve Our Lord and Savior. Church awake and become the “Sons and Daughters” that we truly can be.

For those who have sowed prayers and financial support, THANK YOU. You continue to make “the world of difference”.

Expecting everyday Miracles…Everyday for you,

Dr. Brian Adams


1 Comment
  • Nic Poncin
    Posted at 14:43h, 12 May Reply

    This is such an amazing testimony to God’s power and His timing. I love the little opportunities!! Praise God!

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