
Greater Works School of Evangelism


Brian Adams Ministries Greater Works School of Evangelism was hosted by Dr. Brian Adams to class of about 50 people who met for one day to receive impartation and revelation on the topic of Evangelism. Four important topics were covered: Identity, Empowerment, Purpose, and Power Evangelism. With this series, you will be better equipped to reach your family, friends, and coworkers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ demonstrated in power.

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Brian Adams Ministries Greater Works School of Evangelism was hosted by Dr. Brian Adams to class of about 50 people who met for one day to receive impartation and revelation on the topic of Evangelism. Four important topics were covered: Identity, Empowerment, Purpose, and Power Evangelism. With this series, you will be better equipped to reach your family, friends, and coworkers with the Gospel of Jesus Christ demonstrated in power.

Four Disc Set with Study Guide

Disc 1 – Identity

God, through His merciful love, reached out to our orphaned planet and offered redemption through His Son Jesus. Learn how through His grace you can receive His spirit of adoption and now as sons, cry Abba Father. The enemy fights our identity because with an understanding of our identity comes an understanding of our rights and privileges as children of God. Sonship is the just the beginning of the journey in which we mature into our purpose and destiny. Join Dr. Brian as we explore through the scriptures showing us how to receive and grow in our personal God given identity.

Disc 2 – Empowerment

As we begin to grasp this new identity as sons, now we position ourselves for “empowerment”. This empowerment happens the moment we are baptized in the Holy Spirit. As believers, we must not “harness” the power of the Holy Spirit. This power is not just for preachers and evangelists. It is available to every believer who willingly surrenders in total submission and obedience to the Holy Spirit. It truly is the “Promise of the Father”.

Disc 3 – Purpose

“For this purpose was the Son of God manifest, to destroy the works of the devil”. Now empowered as a son by the Holy Spirit we must take up our purpose as He did and destroy the works of the devil. Join Dr. Brian as he shares the churches responsibility to do the same.

Disc 4 – Power Evangelism

As we begin to share our testimony regarding our personal encounters with a merciful God, we gain the attention of those that are lost. But we must not stop there. God also wants to manifest His power through signs, wonders, and miracles. This solidifies our witness. Did Jesus not say in His Word, we could do the “same works’ and even greater works as He did? These works were not only for the first century church but also for believers today. Dr. Brian shows us through this powerful teaching that “the time is now”.