

     We read in three gospels where Jesus Christ commissioned his disciples to go to all  the world and preach the Gospel and make disciples. He empowered them to cast out devils and heal the sick and cure diseases. The supernatural signs following them were truly a sign that the Lord was working with them. He sent them against a spiritual enemy of spiritual power, but empowered with a greater power, His Holy Spirit. He gave them power over all the power of the enemy. (Luke 10:19). It is the same today with His church. He still loves the World and He is still sending His Sons, not to condemn the World, but that they may hear the Gospel and be saved.

     I will never forget when the Lord allowed me to spend some time with Dr. T.L. Osborn on a mission trip to Porto Rico and then have him in to preach at my church and do my bible school graduation. What an honor to be able to spend time with someone who had been used in over 90 nations to win souls, cast out devils and see so many healed by the Lord. I will never forget as I was taking him to the airport , he turned and looked at me and said, ” I didn’t come to preach at your church, and I didn’t come to do your bible school.” I remember asking him, “Why did you come then?” He looked at me seriously and then said, ” The Lord sent me to tell you that You are ready for the Nations“.

     I remember Gods Sprit came upon me and I cried as I realized I had just been commissioned by one of Gods Generals to enter into a Global Ministry. I had gone on many short term mission trips, but was still Pastoring full time in Ohio. It would only be a matter of time when I would be released into the World. Eventually the day came where I stepped aside from Pastoring to do full time Missionary Evangelism. It was hard to let go of being over the Church, but it had to happen. I started making plans and scheduling meetings and the Lord again intervened and begin cancelling what I had planned and started giving me assignments. He spoke to me in my car one early morning and gave directions for Israel. This is my second year being here doing Miracle meeting. This year I went from North to South over the entire Nation.

     On the Great Shabbat before Passover I was scheduled to preach at a Messianic Church in Jerusalem. I knew by the Spirit I was to be prayed over by the Leaders of this Church. I heard in my spirit…”First in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and into all the World. I realized that according to the Law of Evangelism, His Holy Word states’To the Jew first and then the Gentile”. Once agin The Holy one of Israel administrated my steps and Commissioned me from His Holy City Jerusalem. As I listened to them pray over me in Hebrew I cried once again knowing,” I do not know what the future holds, but I truly know who holds my Future” Even as I’m typing this Blog His Spirit is coming upon me and I’m weeping looking over the Sea of Galilee. It to me this day represents my life, ministry, and future. He walked on it, calmed it and even produced food and finances from it. He did it then and will do it again. He is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever!!Until next time.


Expecting everyday miracles….everyday for you,


Dr. Brian Adams

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