The Harvest is Ready!!

The Harvest is Ready!!

Even though we have been hindered in our travel because of the Pandemic, we have not stopped in our pursuit of obeying —

The Great Commission”. We have been traveling some places close to home and using to our advantage EVERY MEANS of social media available. I have been doing television interviews by Skype, radio interviews over by phone around the nation, and healing and salvation meetings by Zoom and Instagram. People are getting saved and healed over the internet via social media all around the world.

Earlier in the year Brian Adams Ministries made a commitment to adopt five Iranian churches in Turkey. Due to the worldwide Covid 19 pandemic, their economy shut down and they were going to be forced to close the doors of their churches. But we know God is faithful so we are now paying the rent for those five churches for the next year. We are also in the process of having my book, “The Power of Forgiveness ” translated into the Farsi language for the Iranians. It has already been translated into Spanish and Urdu for Pakistani saints.

We continue to support Navajo Pastors in New Mexico and Arizona monthly along with several Nicaraguan Pastors. Discipling the foreign saints has been such a wonderful rewarding opportunity for us.  We have sponsored Spanish translated book give aways in Central America, parts of Texas, and California. We have also participated in giving away books translated in Urdu in Pakistan. As soon as my book is finished in Farsi, we will be giving thousands away to Iranian refugees who have fled Iran because of the persecution thanks to our partners and friends who have heard the call to financial sow into this ministry.  God is so good.

We begin each year giving the first fruits of our labor working with Messianic believers in Israel partnering with them praying for their peace.  So much remains to be done. Many doors to the 1040 window are open.  We are just awaiting travel to open up to us.  If you would like to partner with this ministry as we win souls, hold healing crusades, distribute book giveaways including bibles, Go to our website, “”, and prayerfully consider becoming a Centurion Partner today.  The Harvest is ripe and ready!


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