04 Apr Brazil Mission Has Begun
The last time I was in Brazil God did awesome miracles. A couple of thousand souls were saved and hundreds were healed. The miracles make me cry to this day. Four totally blind people received their sight through prayer. A deaf mute heard and spoke for the first time. Many other deaf ears were opened and cancer victims were healed. People that were totally demon possessed were set free. Women who were barren received miracles and since that time have given birth. Many vision problems were healed and individuals with pain in their bodies testified later the pain was gone.
It was actually the best results to the mass prayer I had seen. This year, however, I’m believing for miracles birthed out of His Glory. I have my faith out for an encounter to see His Glory. I surrender all of me to the best of my ability to be yielded to His ways. I know our time is short. This world needs JESUS PREACHED TO IT!!
I covet your prayers. Doors are opening and we are believing for the funds to go through every open door. God is hearing the cries of His people and He is on the scene doing great and mighty works. To God be ALL the Glory. Thank you, my friends.
Expecting Everyday Miracles…..Everyday
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