Brian is currently in Brazil ministering and God is moving. Many are getting saved, healed, and set free because we serve an awesome God who loves His people!

Do you remember how you got saved? It was by faith. We had to hear what Jesus did for us, receive Him into our hearts, and then confess Him as our Savior with our mouth. That’s exactly what the Bible says in Romans 10:10. God never intended for us to stop using our faith once we got saved. If we are going to walk with Him, then we have to continue our walk by faith. We have to use our faith for all the things God provided for us at Calvary- salvation, healing, deliverance, soundness of mind to name a few. So many people contact us with questions surrounding the area of healing. Is it God’s will for me to be healed? Why haven’t I received my healing? How do I stay healed? Is God teaching me a lesson through my sickness? Is healing for everyone? The questions go on and on. You have to understand that you receive healing the same way your received your salvation. By faith!

I recently read a quote from Kenneth Hagin that said, “Too many people are trying to get Abraham’s blessing with a Thomas kind of faith.” This becomes a stumbling block if we don’t understand the difference. Thomas was nicknamed “doubting Thomas” for a reason. Thomas said, “Unless I SEE the print of nails and SEE the wound in His side I WILL NOT believe it”. (John 20:25-29) Even though we read these verses on the pages in our bibles, the words Thomas spoke were not bible faith! While Jesus was merciful to Thomas and reached out to show him truth, we cannot negate the fact that Thomas was not operating with bible faith. Hebrews 11:1 clearly tells us that “Now Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things NOT SEEN”.
Bible kind of faith is what is written of Abraham, a man who the Bible says “was not weak in faith”. In fact the Word says that “Abraham called things that were not as though they were”. In this physical realm we live in, it just doesn’t make sense to do that. But in the spiritual realm, this is real bible faith! He couldn’t see it, but he believed what God said regardless! The Word said that Abraham was fully persuaded that, what God had promised, He was able to perform! (read Romans 4:17-21)

The bible kind of faith says we are not trying to get healed. We aren’t waiting until we see it to say that we have it. WE KNOW THAT DOWN IN OUR HEARTS WE HAVE IT NOW. It’s interesting that faith defined in the bible in Hebrews 11:1 starts with present tense words “NOW FAITH IS..”

Here’s the truth. God provided healing for you at Calvary. I Peter 2:24 tells us that “By His stripes, YOU WERE HEALED!”. Doesn’t say might be healed, nor will be healed, nor should be healed. It’s say YOU WERE HEALED! It’s a done deal. We have to believe that by faith! What he did over 2,000 years ago for you to be saved and still keeps you saved is what He did for you to be healed and still keeps you healed. We can’t go by what we feel like or what it looks like! We have to go by His Word that says it’s already done. I want to encourage you today to get His Word down in your heart. His Word trumps your feelings! His Word trumps your diagnosis! His Word trumps your doubt! Let His Word get deep down in your heart! Let it be settled once and for all!
We are Christians are called to walk by faith, not by sight!

It’s time to get the “doubting voice of Thomas” out of your soul! Don’t feel condemned over it! Just move forward and GET THE DOUBT OUT! LET THE WORD IN and begin to speak and declare I AM HEALED RIGHT NOW in the NAME OF JESUS! Begin to confess so you can possess all that was provided for you at Calvary!

We are waiting to hear your testimonies and until next time, we are

Expecting Everyday Miracles for you…Everyday.
Karen Adams

1 Comment
  • Eric Culwell
    Posted at 22:57h, 02 September Reply

    In May of 1996 I accepted Christ into my heart then on June 9th of 1996 I was in an automobile accident that caused significant damage to my head and brain. My front teeth was knocked out, both my jaws were shattered, my brain stem was broke, I had three fractures on my skull, a blood clot and two bruises on my brain. I died three times while being life flighted to the hospital. I was in a coma for a week while the doctors expected it would be more like 6 months to a year. During that time I thought I was being punished for something and couldn’t get over that feeling until I was told that God brought me out of that situation so I would have a testament of how good his love is. Today i am totally healed and still today I know that my testimony is meant for someone to encourage them to keep believing in God and to keep pushing into his presence.

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