28 Apr Greetings from Romania
I am watching the sunrise in a land across the ocean from my home while reading and praying this morning. I am amazed at the multitude of different cultures, languages, and the differences in the atmospheres. How one race can think they are superior to another I cannot understand. Out of one blood God created all mankind and then, through His Son’s blood all mankind needs to be born again. One Creator, One God, One message.” You must be born again’ !! Every race will burn equally in Hell if they don’t accept Christ as their substitute. He took their place. He provided grace. It’s for every race.
If we allow ourselves to only concentrate on our race we have become selfish. It will limit and place a lid on the level of our ministry that God has made us stewards over. He has commanded and not suggested that we go into all the world. I personally am blessed. I enjoy meeting all of the different races of people, their cultures, and hearing their languages. It can either separate us or draw us together to enjoy and respect one another. I am placed in many situations where language and communication would keep most people apart. I have found that through love, joy, and respect for one another, we find a way to express ourselves through Christ. There are people all over the world that I will never forget whose spoken words I never understood and I am sure that I will not be forgotten in many places all over the world for the same reason.
He made all mankind, Therefore we are awesome. Let’s celebrate our differences and come to Christ. His is the only name under Heaven given by which man can be saved.
Joceyne Arnold
Posted at 07:44h, 29 AprilGreetings in Jesus Name Dr Brian.trust this mail finds You well .I’m humbled and grateful to hear from You and praising God for using You so mightily in the ministry.
At times as i reflect over my life (like now) I’m crying because of God’s amazing ways and unconditional love that He has for all of us.
The way He used You as a vessel to healed me still blows my mind, I’m completely healed from that disease that was about the kill me and got annually appointments by the same Dr of back then and he, himself is still baffled 3 years later.
And to really show my gratitude for God and His love, I’m going after the homeless and destitude people, With God’s help people get saved, restored and delivered from deep roots of bondages and afflictions.
Will never forget You and Your team ad long as i live and my video’s are forever being shown when necessary as part of my testimony of God’s love and grace in our lives .
Warm loving regards to You ann Yours
with much Agape Love from me.
Jocelyne Arnold.