Have You Gone to a New Level?

Have You Gone to a New Level?

I believe God has called us to go from glory to glory and from faith to faith. Shouldn’t we be growing in His Spirit and advancing every year? I believe a good relationship between people should grow. As you know Him and love Him, your trust should grow. We must take up our cross and follow Him. This takes denying ourselves. We must decrease so that He can increase. Let me ask you a question, Do people see more of you or are they beginning to see more of Him in your life? We need to be asking ourselves questions such as,

  • Am I growing in grace, love and knowledge of His Word?
  • Do I trust Him more this year?
  • Am I sharing my faith and story more?
  • Is my praying and giving increasing?
  • Am I being transformed by His Spirit into His image?
  • Have I become a faithful steward of the mysteries of Heaven?

If we are honest, I am sure we can all find areas we need to grow in. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to conquer areas that aren’t pleasing to Him and begin to fast and pray. Remove the doubt and unbelief in your life and begin to nurture the miracle power of God inside you so it can come outside of you. Take the words He has spoken to you and do faithful, consistent works of faith. You can do it. Rise up and have the God type of faith and begin to allow God to do the supernatural through you and to you!! I know you will fulfill the will of God. Keep the faith and the faith will keep you!

Expecting everyday miracles…… everyday.

Dr. Brian and Karen Adams

1 Comment
  • James Kennedy
    Posted at 05:19h, 30 July Reply

    I agree that it is hard to believe than it is to obey: so I will follow your suggestions.

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