18 Nov Healed Over the Phone!!
I was just talking to a man who called for some anointing oil. I could hardly understand him because of his speech impediment. He had been dropped as a baby and he was slow in learning, comprehending, and he could barely read at all. He had ringing in his ears and his body was in pain all over. I had him pray the prayer to forgive and to accept Christ. I then commanded the deaf and mute spirits that were causing his ringing in his ears and his speech problem to go. He then stated that all pain had left his body and the ringing was gone from his ears. I started laughing because he was now talking plainly with no speech problem. Jesus healed him of all problems, forgave him of his sins once he forgave everyone. He now is saved and healed in Jesus name!!! Oh I almost forgot, I had him try to read and he read just like you or me. Praise God
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