His Will is Still to Heal

His Will is Still to Heal


It is so exciting to hear all of the powerful testimonies as Brian has been traveling to several different countries. So many beautiful testimonies of salvation, healing and deliverances. It is truly incredible what God is doing. Yet in my heart, sometimes I stand heartbroken at just how many of God’s people don’t believe it is God’s will to heal us from sickness and disease.  I know that the Bible plainly states in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed by lack of knowledge…” So today, I would like for you to take a glimpse into the Will of God for your life.

First, let’s look at what a WILL is. The legal definition of a will and testament states “A will is the legal instrument that permits a person, the testator, to make decisions on how his estate will be managed and distributed after his death”. Looking at this definition from a biblical perspective, the Bible, both Old and New TESTAMENT, are not just words in a book. It is His written WILL AND TESTAMENT and the only way to know what His Will says is to read it. Both the Old and New Testament speak to us that it is, and was, and always will be, God’s will for us to walk free from sickness and disease. Make no mistake about it. The Bible is very clear on the matter.

In the Old Testament, as soon as the children of Israel had crossed the Red Sea, God, the Father, revealed Himself to them as Jehovah-Rapha translated “I am the Lord that healeth thee”. God has never changed His mind. Notice He didn’t say “I was the Lord that healed thee”. He said, “I AM the Lord that healeth thee.” (Exodus 15:26) Now that was in the Old Testament, but guess what? Nothing changed in the New Testament. Jesus clearly revealed all through the New Testament that it is still God’s will to heal.

Let’s look at Matthew 4:23. “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people.” Today we don’t have a problem with teaching in our churches. We don’t have a problem with preaching the gospel all around the world. But many times this is where we stop. We don’t allow that healing gift to flow as Jesus did when He was here on the earth.

I don’t see anywhere in the scriptures that Jesus just did whatever He wanted to because He was the Son of God. In fact Jesus said this in John 5:30, “I am able to do nothing from Myself (independently, of My own accord – but only as I am taught by God and as I get His orders..) (Amplified Bible) Jesus didn’t go around doing His own Will. Jesus ONLY did the will of the Father who had sent Him.

I would also like to note that if it was not God’s will for healing to belong to you, the stripes on Jesus’ back would have served no purpose. I Peter 2:24 says that “who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness- By whose stripes, you were healed.”. He could have died on the cross and still saved us. But He took a beating so you could be healed from all your sicknesses and diseases.

Psalm 107:20 tells us “He sent His Word, and healed them”. That is how powerful this WILL and TESTAMENT is. You have a legal right today to be healed. There is so much more in the Word about healing. I encourage you “Read the Word.” Feed yourself on truth. Don’t let the devil lie to you. It is still God’s will to heal you today. He is the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever.

God is still doing it and He is DOING IT BIG !


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