
Poverty has been one of the strongest enemies of mankind I have witnessed as I travel the world. There never seems to be enough money to meet the needs of the poor. The Word of God tells us that the poor will always be with us. Some cases are because of the lack of education or laziness. Some situations are because of sickness and infirmity while others are because of countries where there is no governmental wisdom and industry is limited.

The woman with the issue of blood spent all her money on doctors and still remained sick. Her infirmity caused her poverty. Sin, sickness, and death are the fruit of the disobedience of mankind against God. The wages of sin are death. As we get closer to the end of times things will only get worse.

As we enter into this Christmas season I see news stating that billions have been spent on toys and gifts many of which will be broken on the same day they are opened or soon after. I watched as millions were just  spent on political races. If only a percentage of this could be used to dig wells, bringing fresh water, farm equipment to raise food, and medical help to the impoverished in third world counties.

I often find myself crying as I return to my room at night after praying for many who are poor, unclean, sickly, and that have nothing. They even invite me into their homes and share the little rice they have with me. If I were to refuse it would be considered rude and offensive. The pain of never having enough to help many of those who come into my path as I travel truly brings me to my knees. I can only cry out to God and believe that the ministry will grow. I pray that there will be resources to help, educate, and promote prosperity, health, and wellness of mind in these countries. As you read this I pray you will remember the poor.

May God bless you as you come to the end of this year. Hear and obey God always and love one another for this is His will.

Expecting everyday miracles….everyday

Dr. Brian and Pastor Karen Adams


1 Comment
  • Kevin Chamberliss
    Posted at 03:49h, 22 December Reply

    Brother Brian,

    Your post really touched my wife and I hearts. I pray daily for to be able to help
    the poor more than what I contribute now.
    Jesus said that “What we do for the least of his brethren we do it for him”.
    Imagine if we all carry the heart of God and come together to help all of the poor families in this world. God would be so pleased.
    Thank you for your post.

    God Bless You,
    Kevin Chamberliss

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