
I am on my second trip to Africa this year. The altars have been full and the miracles have exploded. I am always amazed at the wonder working power of God on these trips. The people fill the rooms and they come with hunger, believing, expecting and placing a demand on the gift of the speaker.

I have already led four of the staff to the Lord here at my place of stay. Two room cleaners and two in management. I  also have had the opportunity to lead two workers to the Lord in a gas station. I am just doing my job. We all need to share our faith and tell the world that Jesus still saves and heals. We need to be confident and begin to pray for people. He will and does confirm His Word.

He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He forgives, cleanses, and restores. He delivers our souls and He heals our bodies. These are our benefits. (Psalms 103: 1-4). Believe in your heart today that He loves you and He wants to make you whole and to use you to make others whole. Have I mentioned to you that I love my job? It’s such an honor to be forgiven and used by Him. I am so humbled that even in my imperfection, He can do impossible things, perfect things through me. May His name be praised forevermore.

Expecting everyday miracles…everyday for you,

Dr. Brian

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