Plundering Hell and Populating Heaven

Plundering Hell and Populating Heaven

Help us as we go into all the world, first here at home, then our nation, and then into all the nations. I hear the cry of the Father and the cry of the nations. Who will go and proclaim the Good News of Christ to all who are lost. We here at Brian Adams Ministries have heard and accepted this call. There are thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions who have not yet been brought out of darkness into His Glorious Kingdom. How will they hear  unless someone preach and how will someone preach unless they are sent. We would like to invite you become a Centurion Partner where you can monthly support our work of bringing healing and salvation to this world.

We  support two Navajo Pastors which have adopted many abandoned Navajo children. We help to buy fuel, wood pellets and food. We support Nicaraguan pastors and distribute food in these Central American towns. Everywhere we go we share His love and His wonderful message of Forgiveness and Healing. The needs are great and the resources are few. We humbly ask you to partner with us as we obey the Great Commission to go into all the world.

We have more invitations and open doors than ever before. They are waiting for us to say yes we will come. Until more people say yes and become Centurion Partner, we are limited. Thank you in advance for not only hearing the call, but for becoming a solution to the problem. God bless.

You can go to and click on the banner for Centurion Partners.

Expecting Everyday Miracles…Everyday

Dr. Brian Adams


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